Download Team Red Miner 0.10.21 - AMD GPU Miner

1 minute read

Version: 0.10.21
File: *TeamRedMiner.exe,
SHA256: f5db7224ab6463031015fb00d64e3eb4eade24b7e0c83a77cf5d79d6642e60bf
(Download for Linux)


You can download TeamRedMiner 0.10.21 from here:

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Inside the archive you will find a file README.txt with installation instructions.

Make sure to replace the pool and wallet address by what you’re using in all files.

mining rig for teamredminer


This release adds support for the fishhash algo, incl A/B/C/R-mode like for TRM ethash. This first release only supports Vega family, Navi10, and Navi20 gpus. Polaris and RDNA3 will be added in a subsequent release, as well as support for dual mining.

README highlights:

GPU: Added fishhash support for Vega family, Navi10 and Navi20 (use -a fishhash).

HiveOS early update oneliner:

miner stop ; cd /hive/miners/teamredminer && . h-manifest.conf && cd $MINER_LATEST_VER && wget -qO- |tar --strip-components=1 -zx ; miner start
Team Red Miner Boost Ironfish Hashrate on AMD GPUs
In this video, SerpentXTech discusses the recent update of Team Red Miner, specifically focusing on the remarkable improvement seen on Polaris cards, with a hash rate increase of around 10 to 11%. The update also includes some bug fixes and improvements for other GPUs.
  • The update of Team Red Miner brings an increased hash rate for Iron Fish by about 5 to 6% on all GPUs.
  • Polaris cards, including models such as 540, 540x, 550s, 560, 570, 580s, and 590s, see an even better improvement of around 10 to 11% in their hash rates.
  • The update removes the Iron Fish user graffiti option and fixes dual mining with ZIL.
  • The Polaris cards are still being utilized and mined on, despite newer GPU releases.
  • Previous revisions (10.11 and 10.10) also showed hash rate improvements for both Iron Fish and Polaris cards.
  • Team Red Miner is known for its stability and minimal driver conflicts compared to other miners for AMD GPUs.
  • The video provides instructions on how to update to the latest version of Team Red Miner.